Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Are the Simpsons Catholic?

A few days ago, the Vatican's official newspaper the L'Osservatore Romano, reported that the characters of the Simpsons are indeed Catholic. However, with further inspection, some question whether or not this is the case.

Rev. Francesco Occhetta commented to the AFP news agency, "I wouldn't say they're Catholic, I would say they're people of faith. I would say that the Simpsons are open on the question of God."
I find this to be very humorous that the Catholic Church is actually discussing issues of popular culture, and whether or not certain cartoons are in fact religious.
In the show, the Simpsons are long time members of the First Church of Springfield. It is interesting to see that the creators of the Simpsons did in fact include religion in a small aspect of the show. This goes to show that religion is literally EVERYWHERE, even in the silly and sometimes stupid tv shows such as the Simpsons.

Rev, Occhetta commented, "The authors (of 'The Simpsons') are fiercely critical of some religious people but they respect faith, openness to God, prayer and going every Sunday to listen to their pastor, even if they sleep or eat popcorn when they go."

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