Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tim Tebow

Bronco Quarterback Tim Tebow's father spoke at Castle Rock Church earlier this month, and spoke about the important role that religion plays in his son's football career. An interesting fact-Bob is a full-time missionary.
One thing I found very interesting in a CBS article, which I hadn't heard about Tebow before was a recent advertising that ran during the superbowl. The advertisement featured Tim and his mother, and tells the story of how his mother had considered having an abortion when she found out she was pregnant. However, due to her strong Christian beliefs she decided to keep the baby.

I think its interesting that Tim Tebow is SO open about his religious views, almost to a point where it becomes annoying. I feel that people who are uneasy about their religious beliefs might find it awkward to have his religion thrown in their face, such as seeing it on TV while watching him play football.
However, I think its great that Tim Tebow is so passionate about his beliefs. Because he is a professional football player who is also Christian, he is able to spread his beliefs to others easier because he is in the media.

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