Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Trapped Chile Miner: "God Wanted Me to Stay Here"

Jimmy Sanchez, a 19-year-old Chile miner wrote a letter to one of his relatives while he was trapped underground.

The letter:
"Hi Roxana, I'm very good. I'm not nervous yet. I believe that when my turn comes (to get up on the capsule) nerves will attack me badly. But now I'm happy and calm. I have been always this way. And yes, it's been since August the 4th that I have not see you. That was 2 months and some days ago.

But for me it's like it was yesterday that we got caught here. God wanted me to stay here, I don't know, maybe so I change from now on. I have thought and I'll change a lot. I have suffered too much and don't want to suffer any more. In the hard moments I was thankful of God because I got a daugther. I expect than when my turn arrives everything will be ok. Hugs for everyone."

I found this to be a very intriguing story. It is far different than any story I have read in the news about the Chile miners. This particular man took this situation as a sign from God that he needed to change his ways, and become a better person. It showed him how much he has to be thankful for. There was many positive feedback to this article, and a few negative ones as well. Most positive comments quoted the Bible about hardships, and some were comments of encouragement. There was some negative feedback with comments such as questioning the difference between spirituality and religion.

I found the story to be encouraging, and imagine that an event like this would really put things in your life in perspective.

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