Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Controversy

I was browsing my internet news sources the other day and I came across many articles discussing the controversial mosque that is set to be built at ground zero. I guess that is to be expected. However, it saddens me to think that are country is set on one view of Muslims. The article I came across was titled: "Wife of Imam Rauf says her family has received many death threats"
It surprised me to think that some people are completely unable to accept a mosque built at ground zero when we live in a country where we are free to practice any religion.

This raises an ultimate question...Should Americans fear Islam?
Should we base all our knowledge of Islam off of a small group of certain radical fundamentalist's actions? Or should we be upset by the idea of putting a mosque at ground zero to support the same beliefs that fueled the killing of thousands of American citizens?
This is an ongoing issue that should be interesting to follow as time progresses.

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