Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New PBS special: God in America

Huffington Post writer Steve McSwain recently interviewed Dr. Stephen Prothero, who is the chief editorial consultant to this new PBS special.
God in America focuses on the fine line between religion and politics, and answers the question of why America is such a religious country. It will show the role God has played in American history.

Interesting/fun parts of the article:
What i found to be very interesting in the Huffington Post article was about a recent survey conducted about religion. It revealed that Atheists outperformed Protestants on their knowledge of all the major world religions.
Dr. Prothero uses an interesting analysis to explain religion in America: "In the supermarket of religion, America has a bigger store. It's the Walmart of religion."

youtube preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GoGaLrXv7o

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