Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Is there a link between the Christian faith and being American?

While browsing the internet, I came across an article written by Adelle Banks, the Relgion News Service of the Huffington Post. The article discussed the ever growing link between the Christian faith and being "American."
Purdue University did research and found that between the year of 1996 through 2004, Americans who saw Christian identity as an important attribute to being "American" rose from 38 percent to 49 percent!
Banks suspects that the terrorist attacks of 9/11 could have something to do with it. With the ever growing uneasiness with Islam, I feel that many Americans have reinforced their Christian values and linked it with with being "truly American."

I find this to be interesting considering there are so many different religions that are prevalent in the United States. However, like I stated before, I think that its due to the fact that many people are uneasy about other religions such as Islam due to recent events. It seems that people link being American with Christianity, because they link being anti-American with Islam and the Middle East.

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